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The Birth of Kappa Omega Chapter

The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. is a professional organization of college-educated men with similar ideals, like attainments and a willingness to serve. It's the first international fraternal organization founded on the campus of Howard University, a historically black college, located in Washington, D.C. On the evening of November 17, 1911, inside Howards' Science Building (later renamed Thirkield Hall), three undergraduate friends who had like beliefs in high academic achievement, friendship, leadership, community service, a foundation of Christian principles, and a national vision, came together with their faculty adviser to organize the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. The students, Edgar Amos Love, Oscar James Cooper, and Frank Coleman, with the help of a faculty adviser, Professor Ernest Everett Just, fulfilled their vision for the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. At that meeting, the Founders decided the name of the fraternity, Omega Psi Phi, from the motto "Friendship is Essential to the Soul "symbolized by using the first Greek letters of the phrase, ΩΨΦ. They also adopted the four Cardinal Principals, Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance, and Uplift. The design for the Pin and Escutcheon was also agreed upon.

After years of fraternity growth nationally, on campuses, and in international communities, members of the Fraternity in Central Pennsylvania having the same ideals as the Founders sought to establish a Graduate Chapter of the Fraternity in Harrisburg PA. On January 25, 1923, a charter was approved by the Fraternity. The Omega Men largely responsible for organizing the Kappa Omega Chapter were Brothers, Atty. W. Justin Carter, Jr., Dr. Stephen J. Lewis (Dentist).and, Dr. Morris H. Layton, Sr.(Physician), all of Harrisburg; Frank L. Jefferson of Steelton and; Dr. George W. Bowles (Physician) and Dr. Santonio F. Riley of York (Dentist). By 1924, the Chapter grew to include other Brothers such as Atty. W. Justin Carter Sr., Dr. Charles H. Crampton {Physician), Dr. H. Edwin Parson (Pharmacist), Dr􀁐 A. Leslie Marshall (Physician), W. Allen Carter, and Dr. R. C. Warricks (Physician), of Harrisburg; and Rev. J.A. Sterett,. Edward R. Jefferson, Dr. J. N. Dunston (Physician), Rev. Vernon R. James and Dr. A. Winfield (Physician), of Steelton. These early men of Kappa Omega changed the landscape of our communities as professionals and leaders.

Over the years many other notable Kappa Omega Men, such as Attorneys James H. Rowland Sr., James H. Rowland Jr. and Nathan F Waters, Jr.; Dauphin County President Judge Clarence Morrison; Doctors Charles H. Crampton and Wesley H. Johnson, Sr. (Podiatrist); Reverend Clyde Roach and Educators Dr. George H. Love and Professor George H. Cole and; other leaders in medicine, science, law, education, civil rights, government, religion, the military, community services, athletics, business, the arts and more exemplified our four Principals. To this day, our members have fulfilled their duty to­ "Uplift" communities through unselfish service individually, collectively and collaboratively with other leaders and members of our community. They work tirelessly addressing the needs, hindrances and barriers we face as a race and community, while not ignoring accomplishments and achievements of many. All Kappa Omega men hold dear the significance of our Chapter and our Cardinal Principals: Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance and Uplift. Forever shall we continue to work hard for Omega and for our communities, having accomplishments that are neither too big nor too small that make a difference.

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

Kappa Omega Chapter

2020 State Street

Harrisburg, PA. 17103

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